

Revitalise your engine with our carbon cleaning service.
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Carbon Cleaning


Carbon Cleaning Explained

Carbon builds up layer upon layer when fuel combusts in the engine cylinders. This affects the smooth running of the engine and causes many other issues.

Hydrogen (HHO) Technology

Our products that uses only water also uses cutting-edge HHO engine cleaning technology. Each machine uses electrolysis to split water molecules into the composite elements of oxygen and hydrogen to produce oxyhydrogen or HHO gas.

The HHO is fed into the engine through the vehicle’s air intake valve to mix with the air and fuel in the combustion chambers of the engine. When this mixture ignites the HHO combusts at a much higher temperature than the fuel alone. This atomises the carbon deposits which are expelled, harmlessly, in gaseous form through the exhaust system.

This revolutionary technology is more efficient, ecological and much kinder to the engine than the traditional chemical methods used. The process is also non-invasive: a technician can now clean an engine in a matter of minutes without first disassembling it.